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Video style transfer for Final Cut Pro X

Coremelt StyleX offers machine-learned grunge styles instantly applied in Final Cut Pro X.

StyleX: Grunge lets you instantly apply stylized textures and looks to your video in Final Cut Pro X using trained machine learning. It includes 50 pre-built styles that cover a range of looks from illustration styles, two tone printing styles, and grunge and graphic styles. The three included plugins yet you apply the styles in various ways while allowing you to mix back the original image, or pre-color correct before applying the style. Create softer effects by blurring only the style and mixing the original back, or more subtle effects by applying styles only to the highlights or shadows of video. StyleX: Grunge is Apple Silicon M1 native, but also works great on Intel Macs.

StyleX: Grunge can be very useful for Final Cut Pro X editors who wish to create title backgrounds, interesting transitions, unique looks for music videos or promo videos and anywhere else you want a stylized illustration look. The included Styles are much more than Look Up Tables (LUT’s), they add texture and change colors in ways that are content-based, not merely on the existing colors in the video.

Coremelt StyleX (Mac (FCPX) Only) ..

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