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Comic and cartoon style freeze frame transitions.

Comic Pack 3 lets you create blockbuster movie intros through 20 customizable, freeze frame animations!

This is the most advanced and sophisticated Freeze Frame Animation Pack for Final Cut to date. No expert or professional knowledge needed, just follow the instructions in the below tutorial and with a few drags, drops and clicks you can turn a boring promo video into a cinematic opener in top quality. ​ Use it for movie intros, Youtube-Channel-Clips, Home-Videos, Student projects or just for fun to impress your friends. ​ Placeholders are the video footage: simply replace and move it into the desired position to achieve the perfect freeze frame effect. ​ Use the Shape Mask tool to reveal the background to increase awe-effect and impact!

DigitalProducts669 Comic Pack v3 (Mac (FCPX) Only) ..

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