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Burn captions and subtitles into video.

FxFactory Caption Burner lets you burn captions and subtitles into your video. It works in Final Cut Pro, Premiere Pro, After Effects, and Motion.

Caption Burner helps deliver video for platforms such as Instagram® that do not allow caption information to be submitted as metadata.

Some platforms, such as Instagram, don’t have the ability to submit captions as metadata. Caption Burner to the rescue!

FxFactory Caption Burner v1.0 (Mac Only) .

2 303,94RPrix
TVA Incluse
  • Import captions and subtitles from

    • iTunes Timed Text (iTT)
    • WebVTT (VTT)
    • SubRip (SRT)
    • SubViewer (SUB)
    • Adobe Encore Script
    • Adobe Premiere Pro Markers (CSV)
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