Your one stop to get everything your team needs
Whether you’re a small studio or a large corporation, Greyscalegorilla Teams provides a powerful platform for productivity. With Teams, you can ensure everyone on your Team has the 3D tools they need to succeed. Our Teams program is available to customers ordering 3 or more licenses.
- Admin Dashboard: Easily manage your team’s access through your Teams Dashboard.
- Flexible Billing: Get a single bill for multiple licenses, pay by credit card, purchase order, and more.
- Customer Support: Priority support, account management, and onboarding for our team’s customers.
- Everything you expect: Give your team of artists access to our ever-growing collection of materials, Plus HUB, Library, plugins, training, unlimited render nodes and so much more.
In addition, Teams receive the following benefits,
- Easy Deployment and Management of IT
- Custom licensing solutions for your growing team
- High-priority, ongoing customer support
- Dedicated account manager
- Purchase orders and consolidated billing
- Onboarding assistance
- Unlimited render-only licenses
Greyscalegorilla for Teams (Annual Subscription) ..
R10 698,14Price
VAT Included