Color correction for the rest of us
Movie Color provides users with the ability to apply stylized, cinematic “looks” to their footage, with over 50 presets available and the option to design and save custom looks.
If you’re intimidated by Color, try my Movie Color plugin – you can get great results without ever leaving the comfort of your edit system.
All of Movie Color’s looks can be adjusted in minor scene-to-scene tweaking, or used as a starting point for a completely new look of your own.
Movie Color allows you, through a variety of powerful methods, to build two tinted images and mix them back into your original image to varying degrees through the use of masks. A mask can be thought of as an adjustable stencil that allows you to control where and to what degree your tinted image is “painted” back over your original image. It also contains a Pre-Processing section that allows you to adjust the saturation, the brightness, and the contrast of your image as well as a “Bleach Bypass” setting.
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